Sunday, November 25, 2007

AT&T versus Verizon

Our Verizon term is almost up and we are ready to review whether to continue with Verizon or switch to another carrier - perhaps AT&T.

Here are benefits I see in switching to AT&T:

1. Get onto the GSM system so that we can use our phones overseas, say India (using an Indian SIM card). The RAZR phones come free with any plan
2. Get a bundle deal with AT&T land line and high speed internet access
3. Get rollover minutes. Previously we have paid as much as $115 for Verizon because we went over our 700 minute limit.

Here are negatives in switching to AT&T:

1. Most of our family members are on Verizon so we lose the free mobile-to-mobile feature
2. It is $10 cheaper per month than AT&T (if you don't consider the bundle package with AT&T)
3. Verizon seems to have a larger coverage area

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