Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Leadership Lab Class (SY Q2 Class of 2008)

I learned a lot during the leadership lab class. There were moments when the class was a bit redundant and I wasn't sure where we were going. But I was able to keep my cool and go with the flow. I have gone with the flow quite often but then at times I would speak up and say that I need to see something different. I think there were others there who thought the same and this was validated when Folake spoke up and said she wanted to see something different. In any case, I wonder if I would show up to a similar class in the future unless there is some innovative way of teaching leadership. Why don't we use the technique that Rolls Royce used for their interview process. After all, if they can get good results from a 1-day simulation, we should
be able to get similar or better results with a quarter long simulation.

I think the biggest learnings in this class have been the concept of the power of choice and language. While I was always aware of the power of choice through the "7 habits of highly effective people", this class reinforced that rule and I ought to practice it some more. To practice, I need to realize how I do respond at various situations. This is a painful exercise but it could make me more aware. What I really need is a reminder of some great quotes during the class (and class readings). Here is a list of quotes and actions that worked for me as a result of taking this course. The book, "You are what you say" by Matthew Budd and Larry Rothstein was great and most of the learnings are from this book:


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping that it will turn out differently
Rita Mae Brown

We think with our whole body
Taisen Deshimaru, Zen roshi

I am happiest when I surprise myself
Adam Duggins (Class of 2008)


  • Meditate
  • Observe yourself
  • Observe others

Authenticity and self awareness empowers us

A request simply invites another person to participate in your life. Take this as a way to honor others, not to burden them

Listen to another person without judgment, evaluation, reaction, or letting your mind wander to your own thoughts


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